Friday, January 21, 2011

Bieber in 3 -D??? Vomit in 4 -D

Dear Potato Bugs:

    What is it with the rash of films coming out that are glorified music concerts featuring superstars in 3-D? I can see the fun of an action film in 3 -D: things flying at you fast, near misses, that sort of thing. But what can one possibly gain from seeing Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber singing their empty pop crap in 3-D? The only person they could possibly be catering to is the deaf pederast...and frankly, I don't think we should be making movies for them. There are, however, some acts I think might benefit from the 3-D experience.

1. Gallagher: The fruit smashing fruit. I have no idea why this guy's destruction of watermelons has become an exciting way to pass the time, but I suppose airborne watermelon seeds flying at you might create the illusion of near misses. When he does his own balls, then we'll talk.

2. Dolly Parton: I think that goes without saying.

3. Pee-Wee Herman. We all know what Pee-Wee likes to do in the movie theatre right? Okay...go with me on this....what if we made a movie called "Pee-Wee Goes to the Movies" and filmed him at his "best?" Then produce it in 3-D, he can sit in the front row and watch himself while...just make sure the 3-D glasses come with a zamboni towel.

4.  Jersey Shore -in 3 -D. I don't think anything would be more fun than to watch these people piss themselves, drown in their own vomit and treat venereal diseases in 3-D. I think it adds a certain Schadenfeude to the festivities. I'm convinced if we saw the show in 3-D that the Situation's abs would reveal themselves to be painted on.

5.  The United States Government. Aunt Mark would pay anything to see these people capable of depth. Maybe 3-D glasses are the only way to get what we need out of them? Food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. Yet another laugh-outloud piece, Aunt Mark. How true about the gov't. I do like the idea of 3-D watermelon seeds, but the Pee Wee 3-D is scary! Lol!
