Monday, January 24, 2011

Aunt Mark Has a Movement

  Dear Potato Bugs,

   This weekend, Aunt Mark experienced that glorious approximation of hell: MOVING! Those of you that have been through this ordeal know what I am talking about. The sad attempt to try to pack up your life as you know it, cram it inside a U-Haul and unload it in a new space that does not seem capable of accommodating all your crap. It's about as much fun as sitting in a bowl of lemon juice with a hemorrhoid.

     When Auntie moved to her last location, she showed up with everything she owned inside a Toyota minivan. Mostly books, clothes and keepsakes in her ownership, and hardly any furniture. In just the few months that she was there, it seems she doubled her volume by inheriting a couch, futon, two desks, a TV, a nightstand, a TV table, a floor lamp and a desk chair. Either my few possessions were very fertile and multiplied, or I am a pack rat. I am going to opt for the former as Auntie is perfect and we all know she could never be a hoarder. Or could she?

      I would say that two thirds of what I own are books. I cannot part with a book easily, as I am always sure I will want to return to it for some piece of information for inspiration. Indeed, I make marks in the margins of books and underline words or phrases that intrigue me. Unfortunately, at last count, I have accumulated over 1600 books (mostly hardcover) that needed to be schlepped (down a flight of stairs) to the new location. Do you know this does to a back that hasn't seen exercise since Reagan was in the White House? Auntie is walking funny today and that has nothing to do with the Ricky Martin dream I had last night. Laugh if you want, but Auntie figured out a new way to get into Menudo that didn't require an audition....

      Anyway...the worst is over...books are on their shelves, and I am sucking gown ibuprofen like it shoots out of Pez dispensers. The next time I have a movement, I am hiring someone to do the lifting for me. I want a nice band of hunky Latino men to pack my U-Haul (I wouldn't mind if they helped me get my stuff on the truck, either. I wonder if Ricky Martin is available?

NOW CLICK THOSE ADS - Aunt Mark has moving expenses


  1. I love #1 that your ads are moving ads... way to go Google... #2 that you have 1,600 books! That's like a small library! You should give out library cards and charge for late fees.

  2. I keep telling you the Fi-Bars will help your movements, but you just won't listen!!
